"Angels Among Us"
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Anchors Around The World

Dedicated To Our Troops

In Memory of Edwin Marvin Patterson, a navy veteren (January 8, 1925 - June 29, 2001)


This page is here to honor those who serve or have served and to give thanks for the freedom we have today, 
Many of us can only imagine what our loved ones or friends have gone through, Yet as a civilian we sometimes turn away from things we dont understand.
If you have a friend or loved one you would like to honor  or add to this page please email your information kim_carver@msn.com
Please take the time to light a candle and say a prayer for each person listed below, Without the courage and bravery of our soldiers and sailors alike, We would not have our freedom today,

1. Edwin Marvin Patterson - WW2 US Navy, served 1943-1946
2. Jonathan Wade - US Navy

3. Pete Granger - US Army
   This is a very special friend of mine who means the world to me, without his help and support someday's Id be a mess,
4. Gerald Ellis Humble - US Army
5. Orval Basden- US Navy 1943-1944
    Died at sea aboard the USS Omney Bay
6. Harvey Oliver Walters - US Navy served 1944-1946 "My Grandpa"
7. Harold Lee Sr - US Navy 1969
7. Kenneth Lee Walters - US Marines
8. Kyle Walters - US Army
9. Walter Earl Granger - US Army
10. Rob Reidel - US Army, Currently serving in Korea active duty* May God watch over him and keep him safe while blessing him with the ability to bring his soldiers home..May he be a leader not a follower in all that he does* Thank You Rob shedding some light on my life and so many others.

A Very Special Soldier Boy

This program was started to help support sailors overseas and their families here back at home.