Hosted by Sparkle Tags
Welcome to "Angels Among Us"!
"Angels Among Us" was developed to help sick and underprivledged kids across the
country. Angels Among Us is an organization that has applied for nonprofit status, without our sponsors this program
would not be possible.We have several kids on our list at the present time and our list continues to grow. Won't you
please be a sponsor to a child? It may be a little thing such as sponsoring a child, sending cards, letters, birthday
card, Christmas cards and gifts. With the holiday season upon us we have to get busy fast. We are planning a toy drive
as well. If you would like to put up a tree at your location for our angels please feel free to contact us and a representative
will return your call. Any and all donations received will go towards our angels, cards, gifts, Christmas toy drive,
and for shipping and handling to see to it that our angels receive their gift in time for the holidays. Please remember
that without your support this program would not be possible. Won't you help make an angel's dream come true this
holiday season and everyday throughout the year.
Right now we have lots more angels than we have sponsors so we are in great need of more sponsors
to help out our kids. We need everyone to get involved in some way. Without our sponsors this program just isn't possible.